

📢 ✨ 如何委託代購?簡單三步驟!📦💡

💬 1️⃣ 聯繫我們
📲 透過 網站上的「代購諮詢」,輕鬆與我們取得聯繫!

🛒 2️⃣ 填寫委託代購單 詳情點這
🔹 找到您心儀的商品,複製商品網址
🔹 整理 款式 / 數量 / 規格,製作 預購草稿 ✍️
🔹 依照我們提供的 代購訂單格式 填寫,然後提交 ✅

📄 3️⃣ 確認報價 & 等待收貨
🔹 我們會計算所有費用(國內 / 國際運費、營業稅、匯率、代購費 等)📊
🔹 您將收到報價單,確認金額後匯款 💰
🔹 完成付款後,就等著開心收貨啦!📦🎉

🔹 收到貨品48小時內就會將電子發票Email到信箱就能報帳囉!

📞 有任何問題,隨時聯繫我們,我們將竭誠為您服務!💬🤝


First things first, your blog post must engage your audience, and ASAP. Try telling a personal story that your readers can relate to, ask a question that your blog post will aim to answer, share facts, figures, and statistics, or show your readers that you understand their biggest challenges. Use this space to showcase your experience and expertise. Go into as much detail as you like, and introduce your brand with interesting info and some eye-catching descriptions.